Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Connor is home!

Before the surgery...not too happy to be there!

Connor's surgery was long, about 3 hours, but the doc was able to repair everything through the scope. He did report that it was much worse than the MRI showed. He is stable and "over-tightened" in an effort to keep him stable. The injury did cause a little divot on the ball his shoulder that the surgeon shaved the edges down a bit to try to soften it. We will be praying that it will completely fill in so it won't be the source of future problems and arthritis. We do appreciate your care, concern and prayers!

At home with the ice machine, 20 mins on/40 off around the clock :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Connor to have surgery again

Connor re-injured his shoulder Friday night. It popped out while he was playing basketball with some friends. Then it popped out again in his sleep that night (that was an experience I hope we never repeat!). An MRI shows extensive damage so it's back to the OR for him. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 7:30. Please pray with us that the surgeon will be able to accomplish the surgery arthroscopically...that will reduce his healing/PT time by about 4 weeks. Either way, the goal is to have him back and ready for senior year football season (his MRI was even looked at by the team doc from the San Diego Chargers, a former colleague of our surgeon/LCA team doctor). We thank you for your prayers and will keep you updated.

Unfortunately, baseball is now over this season for Connor. But here is some of what it looked like: