Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer 2009

Summer is half-way over and the heat has definitely hit Texas. Here's a recap of what's been going on with the Ward's:

Nick is at summer school up at K-State. He came home for a few weeks in May. Bill went up for the weekend of July 4th. They played golf and had some nice time together. Nick gets done on July 31 and will head to Estes. More on that later. Nick has loved his first year at Kansas State. In fact, he mentioned that he had an easier transition to college than many of his high school friends. He's very happy with his fraternity, Delta Upsilon, and the friends he's made at KSU. He enjoyed playing intramurals, and I think he might even be playing baseball this summer. (Well, it's just that he said he was, but hasn't mentioned it in a I don't know for sure!)

Connor has been rehabbing his shoulder, and doing general strength and conditioning for football. No, your eyes have not deceived you...Connor is going to play football. It's a calculated risk and we'd certainly appreciate your prayers! He will have a special brace for his shoulder and will (I think) only play offense, specifically quarterback. I know! That's a surprise, isn't it? He's never played QB before, but he's been working very hard. In fact, Legacy just won the consolation bracket of the Texas Private Schools Coaches Association's 7-on-7 football tournament. We were probably one of the smallest schools there...certainly every team we played had different sets of boys for offense and defense, while we only had 10 players total. After going 1-2 in pool play, we were put in the consolation bracket where we went on to win every game! It was very exciting but very, very hot! Over 100 + humidity kind of hot.

Kelly went up to camp at Kanakuk Colorado on July 7. Our plan was for me to pick her up on July 19 and head to Estes Park, but last Saturday night we got a call that we needed to come get her because she was sick. She and about 50 others. She was negative for flu but had a fever and flu symptoms. I left Sunday morning to go get her, and am with her right now in a hotel in Pagosa Springs, Co. She is feeling better and has a great attitude about it, but was very disappointed about having to leave camp. Kanakuk has been hyper-vigilant due to the swine flu (media frenzy). I can't really blame them. It sounds like they'll be reasonable regarding refund prorations, and we've already signed her up for next year (at her request). So tomorrow Kelly and I will head to Estes.

Connor is going to the Bahamas next weekend for a 4 day trip with a school family that he loves (on their private jet!). Our kids lead more interesting lives than their parents do :)

We hope to all be together for about one day in Estes! Kelly and I will be there from July 13-Aug 6ish. Connor will come around the 23rd-Aug 1. Nick should come on the 31st-Aug 6ish. Bill, the 29th-5th. Sounds complicated, doesn't it?!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Connor is home!

Before the surgery...not too happy to be there!

Connor's surgery was long, about 3 hours, but the doc was able to repair everything through the scope. He did report that it was much worse than the MRI showed. He is stable and "over-tightened" in an effort to keep him stable. The injury did cause a little divot on the ball his shoulder that the surgeon shaved the edges down a bit to try to soften it. We will be praying that it will completely fill in so it won't be the source of future problems and arthritis. We do appreciate your care, concern and prayers!

At home with the ice machine, 20 mins on/40 off around the clock :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Connor to have surgery again

Connor re-injured his shoulder Friday night. It popped out while he was playing basketball with some friends. Then it popped out again in his sleep that night (that was an experience I hope we never repeat!). An MRI shows extensive damage so it's back to the OR for him. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 7:30. Please pray with us that the surgeon will be able to accomplish the surgery arthroscopically...that will reduce his healing/PT time by about 4 weeks. Either way, the goal is to have him back and ready for senior year football season (his MRI was even looked at by the team doc from the San Diego Chargers, a former colleague of our surgeon/LCA team doctor). We thank you for your prayers and will keep you updated.

Unfortunately, baseball is now over this season for Connor. But here is some of what it looked like:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's been a while...

Hey everyone. I haven't posted on the blog in a while, mainly because I'm using facebook now and those of you who are on facebook are keeping up with us (and us with you) that way. But (unfortunately) not all of you are on facebook, so I wanted to give you an update of what's been going on with the Ward's.

State Football -- the last time I posted we were headed to state. It was a good game but we came up 3 points short - 33-30. Unfortunately there were a couple of very questionable calls that could have had us win by 10 points, so it was a tough loss. Connor definitely enjoyed rejoining the team.

Christmas - we so enjoyed having Nick home. Unfortunately, all 3 of our guys were sick with some very nasty stomach virus during the break. Bill missed 3 days of work -- the first time I can ever remember that happening. It kept Nick home for a while but he was able to see all his high school friends before heading back to KSU early to catch the K-State/OU basketball game. It was a really good game and he said it was worth it to come back early, though KSU lost. Nick loves K-State and his fraternity, Delta Upsilon. He has been able to connect so quickly do to pledging. DU is a dry house (which means no alcohol allowed on the property -- something Nick's mom and dad like :)and has some great guys in it. Nick is thoroughly purple and seems to have a new motto: EMAW (for you KSU grads :).

Basketball - Connor went straight from football to basketball. He had a good season and his coach has told us that he is receiving 1st Team, All-District honors (though that hasn't officially been announced yet). I filmed the last home game and put together this short (3 min) video of some of his highlights -- especially a buzzer-beater to tie the game -- and an impromptu shoulder-hoist by his friends. I don't think he'll ever forget that night.

Kelly - recently made the JV tennis team so that will be keeping her busy. She is a good student and enjoys doing a lot of writing in her spare time, as well as community service. We've been serving together in National Charity League, a mom-daughter service organization.

Valentine's Day -- Bill and Connor are standing in line outside the K-State basketball stadium right now waiting to go inside for the KU game. Nick and his fraternity bros have been taking shifts since yesterday to keep their spots in line...for them but not for Bill and Connor. Bill, Connor and Connor's friend, Brooks, have student tickets that we purchased. Bill reports that he is the oldest student in line! It should be a great game. I'm glad Connor was able to go as he had the flu and had been sick for a week. Go Cats!

Baseball -- it's started although Connor hasn't caught up with the team yet due to basketball and then the flu. Next week!

Hope all is well with you and your families!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Correct link for Connor's highlight/interview

Copy and paste into browser.

We are going to STATE!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Nick came home on Sunday and was able to spend the entire week home. Of course, he spent half his time visiting friends, but that's to be expected. We are thankful that he's happy and well-adjusted to college life.

Connor's football team has been progressing in the playoffs. We were surprised (and alarmed!) that his doctor released him to play football just as the team was entering the playoffs. As the doctor said "Connor far exceeded expectation" regarding his healing and rehabilitation. We can only thank God for this unexpected blessing. Connor has played in 3 games now. We did have a shoulder scare with the 2nd game, and he did hurt it, but not in the same dislocation way as before. So it has withstood the pounding.

On Saturday, Connor's team played in the semi-finals. We got a kick out of an impromptu fly-over right as the game started by Connor's uncle (Karyn's brother) who is a Careflight pilot. Every one thought it was a planned event because it happened right when the Star Spangled Banner was over. I wish I had a photo of it because he was rather low! Anyway, almost immediately into the game, Connor intercepted a pass and ran it back for our first score! You can see that and a snippet from his interview after the game here but be aware that Connor is mortified by it and will shoot me for sharing it! The other two boys interviewed are Connor's really good friends.

Kelly just finished her first trimester of high school, and as expect she did very well. At this point in time, she has decided that she wants to attend a military academy, so she is working toward that goal. Her brothers keep telling her she is crazy for even considering it.

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy your holiday season!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Much to be thankful for!

The KSU Wildcats weren't the only ones who had a tough day at KU today. Nick went to Lawrence on Friday night to see a friend from high school. He spent the night with him in the dorm and then left around 8 this morning to go meet some of his Delta Upsilon brothers for breakfast at the KU-DU house (it's only about an hour from KSU so a lot of the guys had come over this morning and they were meeting with the KU DU's). Anyway, on the way from the dorm to the KU-DU house, 3 guys mugged Nick, who was walking alone. He was shoved around, but wasn't hurt. They did take his wallet and game ticket. Fortunately, they did not take his phone, but his battery died (after he called us) and he was pretty much stranded with no wallet, no cash, and no working phone. He had ridden to KU with some DU's so he had no car there. Bill and I definitely felt 500 miles away, because there was little we could do. I did call a DU mom I know, and she called her son who was on his way to the game, and they somehow found Nick and fed him lunch and took him back to KSU. No one was too interested in watching much of the game (KSU lost 52-21). Right now, I don't think Nick ever wants to go back to KU again! We are just thankful he was not physically harmed.

We had some other excitement this weekend, as Willie, our new pug, decided to go on walkabout about 5 yesterday. The lawn guys did not close up the gate properly, and he escaped. We spent a lot of time searching for him, and hanging "wanted" signs, and going to the shelter. We were so happy to get a call from the shelter around 1:00 today that he had been found. Turns out that a lady found him on the street IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE yesterday probably right after he got out. She almost hit him. She did not live in our neighborhood, but she did drive around a little to see if anyone was looking for him. Then she took him to the animal clinic where she works and he spent the night there. They called the shelter. We were so worried about him, but the funny thing is that he never went anywhere! She probably had him in her car before we even knew he was gone (and he was only out for 5-10 minutes before we realized it). It was so hard to sleep last night, not knowing where he was. So we are just thankful he is okay! Still, he seemed tired from his jaunt!